export - Streamlined Export of Graphs and Data Tables
Easily export 'R' graphs and statistical output to
'Microsoft Office' / 'LibreOffice', 'Latex' and 'HTML'
Documents, using sensible defaults that result in
publication-quality output with simple, straightforward
commands. Output to 'Microsoft Office' is in editable
'DrawingML' vector format for graphs, and can use corporate
template documents for styling. This enables the production of
standardized reports and also allows for manual tidy-up of the
layout of 'R' graphs in 'Powerpoint' before final publication.
Export of graphs is flexible, and functions enable the
currently showing R graph or the currently showing 'R' stats
object to be exported, but also allow the graphical or tabular
output to be passed as objects. The package relies on package
'officer' for export to 'Office' documents,and output files are
also fully compatible with 'LibreOffice'. Base 'R', 'ggplot2'
and 'lattice' plots are supported, as well as a wide variety of
'R' stats objects, via wrappers to xtable(), broom::tidy() and
stargazer(), including aov(), lm(), glm(), lme(), glmnet() and
coxph() as well as matrices and data frames and many more...